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Did you know that steam cleaning your sofa can be very harmful to your family’s health? Many people don’t realize that sofa steam cleaning can be toxic. They assume that if something is used in the home, it must be safe; however, this isn’t always the case. To help avoid these mistakes and to learn more about what you should look out for when it comes to sofa steam cleaning, here are some handy tips on avoiding them.

Mistake #1: Not measuring the sofa beforehand

It’s hard to get an accurate quote from most sofa steam cleaning companies, as they ask for measurements but rarely provide a tape measure or give any instructions on how to take accurate measurements. If you haven’t got a tape measure already, buy one for next time; it will make life so much easier! First of all, sit in a reclining position on your sofa and lift both feet off the floor. Place your hands flat down on each side of you and have someone else mark where your fingers meet with a pen or pencil. Next, sit upright again and ask someone else to measure from finger tip to finger tip (or use some kind of measuring device). Again, place your hands on either side and have them repeat that measurement.

Mistake #2: Trying to clean a large sofa on your own

It’s not impossible—if you have a powerful jet washer and a lot of muscle. But for most people, it’s easier and safer to leave your big sofa to professional cleaners who have access to these powerful machines.

Mistake #3: Trying to clean a leather sofa

Leather is a soft, delicate material. It’s durable and long-lasting, but that doesn’t mean it should be damaged in the name of a clean sofa. You should never use water or steam cleaners on leather upholstery—they can crack or dry out its surface over time. If you have an especially grubby couch, look into having it professionally cleaned instead of taking matters into your own hands with a DIY steamer.

Mistake #4: Applying too much detergent

Steam cleaning uses high-pressure hot water to penetrate deep into your upholstery fibres, loosening and releasing dirt and grime. For a small area of light soiling, you may need only half a teaspoon of detergent. However, if you’re tackling an area of more than three square feet, you’ll want two tablespoons or more. It’s better to apply too much detergent and do another round than use too little and not be able to remove all traces of the stain.

Mistake #5: Steam Cleaning at the Wrong Time of Day

Even if you’re not a morning person, do yourself a favour and do your sofa steam cleaning before 9 a.m. At that hour of the day, less dirt and dust have had time to build up on your sofa and therefore are easier to wash off. Waiting till after 9 a.m., on the other hand, might find you scrubbing away at stubborn stains that have built up through 12 hours of neglect. In short: take advantage of early-morning freshness!

Mistake #6: Steam Cleaning When Your Furniture Isn’t Dry

You may have a clean sofa on your hands, but if it’s still wet, you’ll end up with mold or mildew in just a few days. Steam clean furniture only when it is thoroughly dry to avoid these unwanted guests! So don’t skip ahead and pull out your steamer without making sure your furniture is completely dry.

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