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How long do rats live? Rats can live for two years, regardless of whether they live in wild animals or captivity. The lifespan of pet rats can range from 2 to 6 or 7 years in extreme circumstances.

Wild rats have an average lifespan of about 1-2 years due to the abundance of predators in their natural environment. If they reside in urban areas or the countryside, rats are constantly in danger from predators like cats, birds, etc.

How long do rats live

How long do rats live? The lifespan of a rat can be difficult to establish; however, this is different from the state and the species.

Remarkably, the brown rat is estimated to have two years of lifespan, and the black rat can live for approximately one year.

How Long Do rats Live

It is also affected by the conditions in which it lives. If your home is the highest quality of life for insects, they may continue to live for a long time, but it’s not uncommon that they last beyond three.

Different Species of Rat

Brown Rats

Brown rats are most common. Most often, they are seen on farms and open fields. The brown rat can frequently find its way into our gardens and homes, seeking sustenance and shelter.

The brown rat could endure for up to 3 years, but only a few live longer than 12 consecutive months of life in nature. In that period, females can produce five to seven litters with litters of between 6 and 12.

This is more than 80 pups per year. Rats can be sexually mature at the age of 6 weeks. There is a consensus that the population of brown rats in Britain is more than 80 million!

Black Rats           

The black rats live in seaside and port zones, but it is also found in cities and towns. Black rat is famously believed to carry the parasite that caused the bubonic plague.

Black rats generally live for approximately one year in the UK, but they can also last for as long as two years. The black rat came to our shores in Roman ships, originating from India.

The population decreased after the brown rat arrived in the area in the 18th century. There is a belief that there are about 1,300 black rats in the wild of Great Britain. However, this number is believed to be increasing yet again.


How long do rats live? The life span of brown rats is two years. The average duration of black rats is twelve months. The pet rats live for an average of seven to six years. The oldest known rat was called Rodney. He lived for seven years and four months, over 3.5 times longer than the typical wild rodent.

What are the risks of rats

The presence of rats can trigger some dangers. These are the reasons that make the necessity of contacting an expert rat control specialist essential if rats are discovered in the vicinity of your home. Here are a few dangers of letting rats be on your property or home.

Health Risk

You might have heard that rats were the ones to be blamed for this Black Plague that devastated Europe during the Dark Ages. The parasites and fleas infested the rodents that brought about the disease; however, they are susceptible to parasites like fleas and ticks, which suggests that they could bring these diseases and others closer to your family and you. Rats can also be associated with hantaviruses as well as Leptospirosis.

Fire hazards

Sure, rodents can start fires. The fact that they chew and their capacity to penetrate the walls and other areas could make them risky when they come into the vicinity of electrical wiring. The wire insulation can be a tempting treat for rats.

After the insulation has been removed from the wires, they are a significant electrical risk. It could result in minor issues such as the breakdown of an electrical device or something more dangerous. The exposed wires could cause an electrical short, creating a fire in wood or drywall. There have been instances where flames and even explosives can be traced to wires with shorts that rats chewed.

Where do rats Nest

In the search for a place to nest, the rats will be looking for a variety of things:

The warmth of the Rats

They are searching for a cozy spot to keep themselves and their young ones warm and also need to remain dry in cold and wet weather; they are more likely to be indoors during the winter and fall seasons.

Food is easily accessible Rats are always searching for food and want it close to their nest. Rats aren’t very visual and do not want to go far (although they might when there are few food options).

Nest-building materials

 Rats use garbage, newspapers, paper towels sheets, old insulation sheets, grass leaves, vegetation, and everything else they can find to build a soft dry, warm area to sleep in and give birth to their children.


How long do rats live? Rats can live on average for two years, whether wild or kept in captivity. Rats kept as pets can live up to 7 or 6 years in extreme circumstances (more about this later).

Wild rats have an average lifespan of about 1-2 years due to the number of predators that live in their natural environment. Rodents have to contend with predators worldwide in urban areas or the countryside, including cats, birds, and more.

What do rats eat?

All rats are omnivores. They are also opportunists and have incredibly sharp teeth that are constantly growing, so they need to chew on rough or rugged objects to stop them from growing. They are fond of chewing almost anything. But what are they fond of taking in? Rats eat almost whatever they can find, including carcasses.

Wild rats, city rats, and non-urban rats are all known to consume different food items. Wild rats consume fruits or seeds, as well as plants. They are also typically vegetarians. However, urban rats prefer to consume meat and garbage. They will eat animal food as well as any human food they find. This is why it’s essential to ensure that your trash and food containers are secure. If you have pets outdoors, the food they eat needs to be secured and kept inside if possible.

How long can rats survive without food?

It’s all dependent on the organism of the rat. It’s highly likely that the majority could survive for one week but not longer than two weeks with no food.

Rats are similar to squirrels and prefer to keep their food. Even if you removed their food source, they’ll have reserves that could last them long.

How long can rats survive without water?

Mice and rats are tiny animals that don’t require the same amount of water as they require food. They obtain water from their food. Therefore, in real life, rats are like us because they live longer than we do. In contrast to us, who can survive no more than a few days without water, and days without food and water, rodents could endure longer in the absence of water than without food.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few of the most frequently asked questions relating to the article on how long do rats live:

1. Do male or female rats live longer?

Females have longer lives than males in various species, including humans. Females are longer-lived than males in a variety of mammal species. For example, male Wistar rats, which we have in our lab, have an average duration of 24 months, whereas females’ median lifespan is 29 months, i.e., 14% longer than males.

2. Are rats as smart as dogs?

Rats are highly intelligent rodents. They are naturally educated and excel at understanding and learning concepts. Rats are a lot shorter than humans. However, they are at the very least adept at thinking about things and deciphering them like dogs!

3. Do rats love their owners?

Rats form lasting bonds with their owners. Ask any owner of a rat, and he will inform you that rats know their owners, and they respond accordingly to their presence and sound. They are highly social and are fond of hanging around with humans on couches, on the shoulders of people, or on laps.

4. Why do rats make great pets?

Rats are great pets! Rats are simple to care for, possess a very low scent, and seldom bite. They are gentle and intelligent pets who can connect quickly with their owners and learn new techniques.

5. Do rats need baths?

Rats are clean animals and typically don’t require baths; however, when they get dirty, often a sponge bath or a quick clean-up is all that’s needed.

6. Do female rats have a period?

Rats play a significant role in the work of labs for research. But when it comes down to researching fertility health in around 50% of the world’s population, the rodents are a bit short because They don’t menstruate like humans do. . Which means that the majority of them do not.

7. Do female rats smell less than males?

Most of the time, male rats are more susceptible to smells than female rats. The urine of male rats is more potent, and they are more likely to leave a scent on cages which means that urine can be everywhere and on everything!

8. How do rats see humans?

In the field of vision, human vision is superior to the eyes of a rat. Humans can see three shades (blue, green, and red) with high levels of saturation as opposed to rats may only see the tiniest hint of ultraviolets, greens, and blues

9. Are rats loyal?

They are loyal and friendly animals that can submit to their owner as who is the head of the pack. Since they are social creatures, they love snuggling with their owner, relaxing on the couch with their family, and having time to rest on their shoulders or lap.

10. Why do rats lick you?

If your rat nibbles on or is licking you, The person you are with could be showing your love by making you feel special by grooming you. Rats also have a great sense of smell. So, your rat could nibble or lick your fingers or even smell you after you’ve eaten or cooked food


How do long rats live? The life span of brown rats is two years. The average duration of black rats is twelve months. The pet rats live for an average of seven to six years.

All rats are omnivores. They are also opportunists. They have incredibly sharp teeth that are constantly growing, so they need to chew on rough or rugged objects to stop them from growing.

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