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The blue-headed Pionus has a striking blue-colored head and a green-colored body. It is often kept as a pet by Pionus. The majority of Juveniles are green but they will feather out to their mature colors after a few molts.

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Caring and feeding

If a Pionus is kept in a small cage, they might become overweight and sedentary. birds facts Your Pionus should be kept in a large cage. You can also set up toys to encourage the Pionus to move around.

Pionus Parrots, which include blue-headed pionus, are hungry. As they are susceptible to Vitamin A deficiency, it is important that they receive a well-formulated main diet. This could include Lafeber’s Premium Day Pellets or NutriBerries. Your avian veterinarian can help you determine the best diet for your blue-headed Pionus parrot. A well-cared-for blue-headed pionus can last more than 30 years.

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Personality and Behavior

Blue-headed Pionus are known for being quiet and laid-back parrots that can get territorial in their cage. Although a blue-headed Pionus may not be as cuddly or affectionate as other parrots it can still be a very loving bird if they are raised with respect and consistent one-to-one interaction. An owner might mistake a blue-headed Pionusparrot’s fear for a medical condition by causing an audible wheezing sound.

The Pionus, in general, is known to be a quiet, easy-going, slightly-standoffish, mid-sized parrot. These descriptions are based on observations of other parrot species.  Safflower Seed For Birds The Pionus is quieter than the conure, macaw and Amazon. It is easygoing, in comparison to African greys and lovebirds.

 It is somewhat standoffish when compared to cockatoos

Pionus’s love stories tell a different tale. Their birds are more affectionate than others (though they may not be complete love-sponges), and quieter that other parrots (though still not silent). They are sweet and attentive. A Pionus‘s care by its human guardians can make the difference between a timid bird and a companion. The Pionus Guardian should be available to spend time with their bird. The Pionus might not receive the attention it needs in a home that has other louder and more demanding birds.

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