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Embolizations Albuquerque

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that develop in the uterus. If left untreated, fibroids may lead to complications like abnormal uterine bleeding and infertility — but there’s hope through uterine artery embolization (UAE) in Albuquerque, NM. Here’s what you should know about UAE.

What Are Leiomyomata?
Leiomyomata, or uterine fibroids, are non-cancerous tumors that grow on or within the wall of the uterus. They can cause a condition called abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB), which is when periods are heavy and occur more often than normal. The most common cause of AUB is leiomyomata; they may also lead to pelvic pain, back pain, and difficulty during intercourse.

What Types of Symptoms Should I Expect From My Fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that may lead to a condition called abnormal uterine bleeding — meaning heavy menstrual cycles. These tumors can grow anywhere in the uterus and often cause:

  • Painful, heavy periods
  • Urinary frequency
  • Pelvic pressure
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Unexplained weight gain or loss

How Is Uterine Artery Embolization Performed?
Uterine Artery Embolization is a percutaneous, nonsurgical treatment for uterine leiomyomas (fibroids). Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that may lead to a condition called abnormal uterine bleeding — causing heavy menstrual cycles. The procedure involves inserting an interventional catheter through the femoral artery and into the uterine arteries. Once inside, the catheter will deliver coils or small plugs that block blood flow and cause fibroid tissue shrinkage.

Who Can Benefit from this Treatment?
Embolizations Albuquerque is a percutaneous, nonsurgical treatment for uterine leiomyomas (fibroids). Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that may lead to a condition called abnormal uterine bleeding — causing heavy menstrual cycles. The treatment involves inserting a catheter into the artery supplying blood and oxygen to the uterus and then blocking it with a substance that cuts off blood flow.

How Much Does an EAE Procedure Cost?
It’s important to know that EAE (Uterine Artery Embolization) is not a surgical procedure. The cost of an EAE procedure varies, but on average is around $2500. This will be determined by your doctor and insurance company, as well as any co-pays or deductibles you have with your health plan.

Where Can I Get it Done?
Uterine Artery Embolization is a percutaneous, nonsurgical treatment for uterine leiomyomas (fibroids). Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that may lead to a condition called abnormal uterine bleeding — causing heavy menstrual cycles.
At Riverview Women’s Center, we use a minimally-invasive procedure that can be done as an outpatient with little downtime
and side effects.

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