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It is one thing to be responsible for your health and well-being; it is an entirely new challenge when looking after another life. When a newborn comes into a family, it is certainly a blessing, but it doesn’t come without overwhelming responsibilities.

Most first-time parents find this experience as terrifying as it is exciting. Once you are through the challenge of pregnancy and childbirth, it is time you return home with a new member. Your first night together might raise numerous questions, especially if it is your first time. However, worry not because children aren’t as delicate as most parents assume them to be; you will do just fine.

It does help to have some professional advice regarding issues like nursing, sleeping, soothing, going out, hygiene, and more. The following tips will surely help alleviate your concerns and guide you as to the best practices when it comes to newborn care:

1. Don’t panic; all babies cry

When a baby first comes into this world, the first response is crying. This reaction will likely persist for the first few months as it is the infant’s only way of communicating with the world around them. Inexperienced first-time parents inevitably panic, but you must not forget that all newborns cry.

Crying may range from quiet whimpering to full-body cries; don’t stress out too much. Instead, respond quickly and efficiently to treat the potential cause. Is the baby hungry, tired, gassy, or uncomfortable? Are they demanding attention? Sometimes simply rocking or swaying will help quiet them.

However, excessive fussiness, high-pitched cries, and breathlessness might sometimes indicate a birth injury. If you suspect any such thing, immediately consult your doctor and if need be, consult a Birth Injury Justice Center and seek legal compensation.

2. Know how to respond to fevers

A baby’s immune system takes time to develop, so they inevitably fall ill frequently fully. Sometimes fevers might even indicate serious illnesses, especially if the baby is less than two months old. Watch out for any rise in temperature and know when to call your pediatrician.

Generally, for a baby less than two months old, a temperature of 100.4 F is alarming, and you should consult your pediatrician immediately. A 102 F temperature indicates a problem for babies older than two months. However, it is a good rule of thumb to consult your pediatrician whenever you notice any temperature rise; it is better to be safe than sorry.

Also, changes in eating patterns, watery stool, lethargy, unresponsiveness, irritability, rash, constipation, and inconsolable crying are signs that you should seek medical help for your newborn.

3. Handle your newborn with care

A newborn’s body is delicate, and its bones are not yet fully developed. Most parents will be very careful when handling their newborns, but they are likely to make mistakes out of negligence or ignorance. New parents need to be guided about the correct way of holding babies.

Firstly, always support both the head and the neck when cradling a baby because their neck muscles aren’t yet strong enough to support the head on their own. Secondly, never shake your infant, even if it is just playful. Many parents don’t know how serious a problem this can lead to.

A shaken baby syndrome is a condition where such shaking can cause internal bleeding, whiplash, and head trauma, damage a baby’s brain cells, and limit the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain. Never handle a baby roughly when frustrated or angered, but also be careful not to shake them too much, even out of play.

4. Be open to all the help you can get

As the famous saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. It is never a one-person job or even the sole responsibility of both parents. Don’t hesitate to ask friends and relatives for help wherever you feel overwhelmed with responsibilities. Do it, even if it is simply hitting up your aunt for advice.

You can always call a hospital and consult a specialist for professional advice. If you are both working parents, you might need to hire in-home caretakers or delegate responsibility to neighbors or friends. To find in-home help, you should ask your doctor to refer you to a home health agency.

5. Ensure proper hygiene

Babies are more prone than adults to contracting infections because of their underdeveloped immune systems, so their hygiene should be the top priority. The first thing to keep in mind is always to touch your baby with clean hands and ensure that everyone who comes into contact is conscious about sanitation.

Secondly, develop a proper cleanliness schedule, from cleaning the infant’s face, head, eyes, ears, and mouth to trimming their nails and keeping their genitals clean. Use a wet cotton ball to clean the eyes and wipe inside and outside the ears. You can splash water directly and dry it gently with a towel to wash the head. As for their gums and teeth, a wet washcloth should suffice after every feeding. When the first teeth emerge, brushing with water becomes necessary; but only use a soft-bristled brush designed specifically for infants. To trim the nails, you can easily find special baby scissors in the store.

6. Practice safe sleeping and anticipate problems

It is better to be prepared than to go in blind; remember that most infants don’t sleep long and never through the entire night initially. Since newborns have small digestive systems, they need food every 4 hours and cannot sleep for more than 2-4 hours in one go. Babies begin to sleep through the night much later, usually at three months of age. Even then, if your baby does not develop proper sleeping habits, it is okay; individual differences are expected.

As for safe sleeping, remember never to place babies on their sides or stomachs when sleeping; always on their backs. Placing babies, especially those younger than a year old, on their backs or sides is one of the leading causes of sudden infant death syndrome. It is also advised not to keep blankets or stuffed animals by their sides for fear of suffocation.

Final words

Looking after a baby can be nerve-wracking, especially if unprepared. However, with the right advice and assistance, you can make your experience truly blissful. If you are new to parenting and anxious about your first child, remember that crying and fevers are inevitable. Learn proper handling practices, accept all the help you get, maintain proper hygiene, and ensure safe sleeping practices. Even if you feel overwhelmed right now, you will develop a routine and start enjoying the change very soon. 

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