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Believe it or not there is no ideal age to join a Yoga Teacher Training Course. It is the will and determination to do Yoga that counts more than anything. Yoga can be modified for any person regardless of their age or health status; of course we have to abide by the Yoga Teacher Training Course curriculum as stipulated by the Yoga Alliance, USA in order for you to receive a professional qualification which enables you to teach across most of the globe,

Yoga  Teacher Training Courses in Youth

If you are in your youth and by this we mean late teens, 20’s and 30’s then you may be more flexible depending on the lifestyle you have led during your life. This would indeed help you with the practice of asanas as they require flexibility; however asanas are not just about flexibility they are  a way of uniting mind, body and soul hence you also require to have a certain level of stillness within you to practice yoga to its deepest core.

Being youthful our energy could be more ambitious and possibly restless. The ambition will help with our determination and will power which is required for discipline in yoga; restlessness could hamper these traits and make yoga more difficult. However this is nothing that yoga cannot cure given the fluidity of youth. We are less fixed in our ways in our youth so this would certainly help with the practice of yoga. This would therefore be an ideal time to practice yoga as our mind and body are more flexible to change. 

Teaching Yoga at this age will be an inspiration for other young people and will enable you to relate with the trials and tribulations of this age period. You will also hold yourself in good stead for a continuing career as a Yoga Teacher in later years as you will have more years and experience behind you.

Yoga Teacher Training Courses in our middle age

In our middle age (40 to 60), we are more set in our ways, and may have certain health disorders that have resulted in the way we have lived our life. Yoga could help with making the mind and body more flexible and help with the healing of health disorders and prevention of further disease. It is a time when ambition reaches its peak and slowly declines; for some it is a time of burn out and questioning the purpose of life. Yoga will have answers to your questions and will help you with any burnout issues. 

Teaching yoga at this age offers maturity to students as the teachers themselves have much experience of life.

Yoga Teacher Training courses in our old age

Old age could be defined within the bracket of 60 plus. Though we at Anadi tend to limit our students to those under 60, we do have discretion to open our Yoga Teachers Training to those over 60. However we would need a medical certificate to ascertain your health is fit for our course. 

It is when we are above 60 that more ailments arrive and all we want to do is to ensure that you are safe on your yoga teachers training course. We have taught many people of this age bracket who have gone on to become highly professional and safe Yoga teachers.

You may find that you are less flexible in mind and body in old age but this is something that your Yoga Teachers Training can turn around. The body and mind can be made more flexible through the holistic teachings of Yoga. So do not worry about your lack of flexibility when you consider joining a Yoga Teachers Training Course In India.

The older one gets, the more introspective one becomes; questioning the purpose of life and life gone by. Sometimes these ‘big’ questions can cause difficulties in understanding life however Yoga philosophy can help you decipher some of these deep questions thereby helping you attain a more peaceful acceptance of the ageing process. Teaching  yoga during old age offers you an advantage over the more youthful as you have the wisdom to understand Yoga philosophy better; Yoga is not simply about movement but also a lifestyle. With the stillness that comes with old age, Yoga can be more easily incorporated as a lifestyle; when Yoga becomes a lifestyle for you, your Yoga teaching will become much more effective as you will be ‘walking you talk.’

Retirement also comes with age and having a Yoga Teacher occupation from the successful completion of a  Yoga Teachers training course will enable you to have a sense of purpose; a giving back to society and of course your wellness will come side by side. Having a sense of purpose in old age is very important and leads to higher mortality rates as you find that ‘reason to live.’

You will find yourself becoming more youthful, vibrant and have a sense of purpose though becoming a yoga teacher. People in all ages and walks of life struggle with purpose but this is more so in older age hence what more could you ask for during this season of your life.


In the ancient texts of Yoga, no age limitations are mentioned for the practice of Yoga as Yoga is such a flexible and holistic science it can be practiced by all regardless of their health status and age

There is no specific age limit for adults joining a yoga teachers training course. Benefits can be had from the course regardless of your age. Should you have any doubts, please feel free to contact us to discuss.

Anadi Yoga Center is one of the finest yoga schools for yoga teacher training in Rishikesh. The school is a registered yoga school from Yoga Alliance®, USA. We conduct residential yoga teacher training from beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Our 200 hour yoga teacher training in india (RYT 200) is a beginner level yoga teacher training, whereas 300 hour yoga teacher training (RYT 500), and 500 hour yoga teacher training in india (RYT 500) is an advanced level yoga teacher training. These courses are conducted as per the guideline and standard of Yoga Alliance, and upon successful completion of the course you are eligible as a professional yoga instructor.

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