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If you’re passionate about helping children and families, becoming a maternal and child health nurse could be the perfect career choice for you. As your role as an MCN continues to evolve, more schools are offering specific training in this area to ensure that their graduates are prepared to handle the rigors of the job, whether they’re working in private practice or at an office with a focus on maternity, newborn care, and pediatric medicine. Here’s what you need to know about the process of becoming an MCN and what you can expect when you get there!

Start With Education

You’ll need to earn a bachelor’s degree in nursing, complete your clinical hours and pass the NCLEX-RN exam.  Take into account your lifestyle when deciding where you want to study.

You may also have the opportunity to study abroad for a semester or two.  The following are some of the best child health care companies where you can find different companies.

Get Experience While In School

It is important to get experience before graduating because it will allow you to network and find the best companies. The best way to do this is by volunteering with organizations in your desired field while still in school. By completing projects and internships, you can make a name for yourself in the community and build relationships that could potentially turn into a job offer once you graduate.

Build An Online Presence

Start by researching the best companies for maternal and child health nurses. The best way to do this is to look at websites like Indeed or Monster and search for the keyword maternal and child health nurse.

You will get a list of companies with available jobs that you can apply for. Then, go to their website and read about their requirements, how they see the role of a maternal and child health nurse in the company, what benefits are offered, where they are located, etc.

Finally, create your own online presence by creating a LinkedIn profile. This will help you stay updated on new job opportunities as well as make it easier when applying for positions.

Take Certifications

MCHN Certification is a prerequisite for this position. There are various ways to obtain MCHN certification, but some of the best companies are the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners, the International Board of Midwives, and the International Organization for Standardization.

Understand Where The Jobs Are

 Maternal and child health nurses are in high demand. As of 2010, the average maternal and child health nurse salary was $45,000 a year.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports an estimated 2,000 jobs for maternal and child nurses across the country. The most positions are in California and Texas, which each has about 350 jobs available. There is also a need for these professionals in New York (200), Florida (100), Pennsylvania (100), Illinois (100), and Michigan (70).

The Bureau estimates that by 2020 the number of available jobs will increase to 3,900 because of an aging population and changes in healthcare law.

Look At Salary Data For Nurses In This Field

Maternal and child health nurses have an average salary of $69,610 per year. The highest paying industries for this type of nurse are mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction with a median salary of $92,050 per year. For example, the top ten percent of maternal and child health nurses earn more than $115,170 per year.

There is a large disparity in salaries among states with the highest paying state being Wyoming at $113,030 per year and the lowest paying state being Hawaii at $62,640 annually. The top-paying metropolitan area for this occupation is the San Jose – Sunnyvale – Santa Clara region where salaries average to about $120,510 annually.

Be Confident and Goal-Oriented

In order to become a maternal and child health nurse, you need to be confident and goal-oriented. It would be best if you also had compassion for the mothers and children you will care for. You’ll need to take classes in biology, chemistry, human anatomy and physiology, as well as psychology. In these courses, you’ll learn about the childbirth process and how pregnancy can affect the mother’s physical and emotional health.

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