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Lip fillers have been one of the most popular procedures in the last decade.  Not only do they offer natural results, but they can boost your confidence and allow you to feel better when putting on makeup or going out.

These are the top things to keep in mind if you’re considering lip fillers and how long they last on the average patient. 

How Long Do Lip Fillers Last the First Time?

The average injection of lip fillers will completely disperse from your lips between twelve to eighteen months after you get them.  This depends entirely on your metabolism, the clinic you go through, and how quickly you feel like you need to get it redone.  The average patient returns every six to eight months to get another treatment.  

This means your best results are in the first six months.  If you have a higher metabolism, you may see them thin out faster, which can make it difficult to feel like the constant injections are worth it.

What Happens When You Stop Getting Fillers?

When you stop getting fillers, the hyaluronic acid they’re made of will dissolve entirely within a year and a half.  This process is slow but natural.  Many worry about lip fillers stretching out their lips and causing wrinkles, but the average injection isn’t enough to cause this problem.

What most patients notice when they think their lips are wrinkly is that the filler made their lips taut and lineless, and as time passed and it dissolved, their lips went back to their natural shape.  

Although you can continue to get fillers for as long as you want, you don’t have to do it if your only reason is to avoid wrinkles. 

What’s It Like to Get Fillers? 

Getting lip fillers is a painless and easy procedure.  Your plastic surgeon will talk to you about the results you want and discuss what they can do to make this possible.  Your medical professional will apply a topical anesthetic to your lips to numb them and then will go through the process of injecting filler.

Your lips will feel tight and swollen for a couple of days, but don’t worry!  This isn’t your final result.  Your full impact will be visible about two weeks after the procedure as your body gets used to it and the bruising subsides.  

Is This Procedure Worth It?

Whether or not this procedure is worth it varies from person to person.  Although some swear by lip fillers as the reason, they’re confident and able to socialize and feel like themselves, others get them once or twice before deciding it’s not for them.  

This is an inexpensive procedure for most and gives you an opportunity to try something new with your face and appearance that isn’t permanent.  If you’re curious about what this procedure could offer, don’t be afraid to try it for yourself.

Lip Fillers Can Change Your Relationship With Your Face

If you struggle with confidence and don’t like overlining your lips but want that fuller lip look: filling them could be the best choice.  When you’re ready to make this change, consider fillers!

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