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If you’ve experienced significant hair loss, you may be considering the option of getting a hair transplant. A successful hair transplant can be life-changing, and so it’s important that you have all the facts to ensure that you are making an informed decision about whether or not this procedure is right for you. To help you figure out if this is the right choice for you, here are some questions to ask yourself: What kind of hair loss do I have? Male pattern baldness? Female pattern baldness? Alopecia? Alopecia areata? Traction alopecia?

Is hair loss genetic?

Hair loss is genetic, but it’s also associated with several other factors, such as stress and smoking. Of course, when you inherit hair loss genes from your parents, you’ll have to work harder to keep your hair in tip-top shape. The good news is that taking preventative measures early on (keeping stress at bay and refraining from smoking) can help mitigate against that risk. If you’re still concerned about hair loss or want more information about how a hair transplant might impact your appearance and self-confidence in terms of scarring and how much body hair remains afterwards, ask an expert such as Dr.

How Much Do You Lose

Hair transplants are often used as an effective method to restore lost hair, but they can have mixed results. It’s important to take into account how much you could lose before deciding on a transplant. To assess your likelihood of losing more hair in the future, ask yourself these questions: Do you have family members with thinning hair? Do you tend to hold onto your hair for long periods of time without visiting a salon or barber? These can all be signs that further loss is on its way and that it may be wise to consider another form of treatment. Hair loss products like Rogaine or Propecia may provide more permanent solutions, so these are great options if a transplant doesn’t seem like an ideal choice.

How Much Can a Hair Transplant Cost?

In order to figure out whether a hair transplant makes sense for you, you’ll want to get an idea of how much it will cost. The final price will depend on several factors, including how much hair is transplanted, what kind of grafts are used and where on your scalp you want the procedure performed. With that said, Dr. Alborj says he typically charges around $11-15 per graft when performing FUT hair transplants in his Beverly Hills clinic—though there are some exceptions (people with darker-colored or thick hair may pay more). In addition to typical costs, here are other factors that can affect how much an individual procedure costs

Who Is a Candidate For a Hair Transplant

If you’re someone who is suffering from thinning hair or bald spots, or if you are undergoing chemotherapy, radiation treatment, and/or taking certain medications that can result in hair loss, then an Alborj Hair Clinic expert will be able to tell you whether or not you’re a good candidate for hair transplant surgery. From there they will proceed to explain how they plan on performing your operation.

What to Expect During and After the Procedure

First, some background information on hair transplants. Alborj Hair Clinic uses follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplantation (FUT), which is used to create small grafts (1-4 hairs per graft) that are transplanted into your scalp. Because they’re small, you don’t have to go bald when getting one. The procedure typically takes 4–5 hours and requires very little downtime.

The Importance of Having it Done by an Expert Surgeon

It’s easy to find surgeons that offer hair restoration services, but finding one that is both experienced and reputable is much harder. There are many clinics that perform hair transplantation surgeries, some very well-known and others relatively new on the scene. In our experience at Alborj Hair Clinic we have found that even if you receive treatment from a highly qualified surgeon there still could be issues with your transplanted hair – especially in early stages after surgery. Due to incomplete or poor technique by inexperienced doctors, not all of your donor hairs are likely to survive and as such may leave you disappointed with your results.

Overall Success Rates

When you’re assessing whether or not you’re a good candidate for hair transplant surgery, one of your most important considerations is how successful it will be. One study examined outcomes from over 3,000 patients who underwent male pattern baldness surgery over 6 years and found that 90 percent of patients had maintained at least 50 percent of their transplanted hair after three years. That’s fantastic! However, it wasn’t all rosy: More than a third (36%) lost more than half of their transplanted hair—and almost 11% saw no hair growth at all after three years.

Is It Cheaper To Go to Another Country?

If you decide to get hair transplant surgery abroad, you may be wondering whether it’s less expensive than doing it domestically. The answer is generally yes—but only if your clinic of choice offers discount pricing. And keep in mind that price isn’t everything; a lower-cost procedure does not necessarily guarantee better results.

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