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When it comes to finding ways to control anxiety, the main effort it takes in seeking anxiety calming tips and devices that can help relax your body, and reduce factors that usually provoke an anxious response.

You can also reduce anxiety’s effect on your life by using approaches based on your physiology, cognition and possibly by integrating pharmacotherapy.

According toAmerican Psychological Association (APA):

Anxiety is a mood that is accompanied by tense feelings, anxious thoughts, and physical changes..”

It entails worrying about the future, which distractsthe person from the present. Some notable causes are agitation, irritation, or anxiousness. Whereas, chest tightness or a beating heart are examples of physical symptoms.

Each type of anxiety disorder has peculiar symptoms that various situations might result in.some common anxiety treatments include;

  • Counseling and medication
  • Anxiety calming devices
  •  Target dysfunctional ideas & behaviors
  • Balancing brain chemicals to manage the fear, worry, & restlessness associated with these diseases.

Below are some best anxiety calming tips suggested by top therapists to reduce anxiety. Not only this, but we will also look into recommended Anxiety calming device by the end of this enlightening post. Keep reading for some helpful pieces of content coming up.

Tips to Calm Anxiety

1. Limit Your Alcohol and Caffeine Use

Limiting intake of these substances may be beneficial for those who are sensitive and prone to anxiety as these chemicals might amplify or worsen sensations of agitation, irritation, or nervousness.

2. Practice belly breathing &breathe control.

It has been noticed that paying attention to “belly breathing” or diaphragmatic breathing lowers stress hormone levels in the body, automatically lowering the nervous system response, which is frequently on overdrive during worry.

3. Consider the Situation Less Dangerously 

“For example, if you are worried about making a presentation at work, consider, “Most people are unlikely to judge me badly,” rather than, “I will appear stupid.” – Bethany Teachman, University of Virginia, professor of psychology and director of clinical training.

4. Begin a Mindfulness and Meditation Practice

The goal of mindfulness exercises and anxiety-relieving meditation is to bring you into the present. Learning techniques can manage anxiety by centering oneself in the here and now.

Furthermore, mindfulness-based Natural stress reduction enables the person to stop feeling overwhelmed by their experience and start being an observer of it.

5. Put your feelings in writing

The “mental clutter” can be helped to externalize by keeping a journal for mental health or even writing a bulleted list of worries in the notes app on your phone.

6. Avoid self-criticism and negative self-talk

The self-talk can keep one trapped in a harmful cycle. Try to be compassionate about what you are going through by changing your negative self-talk to positive thoughts.

7. Practice yoga

Yoga has magical effect in calming anxiety and ground someone by combining self-compassion, breathwork, and mindfulness. Yoga offers a chance for people to focus on soothing their bodies.

8. Identify the Fear

Ignoring major red flags of anxiety can cause it to get worse. Before attempting to alleviate your anxiety, you must honestly acknowledge it. You can build a relationship with your anxious sensations by making straightforward statements such as, “I’ve noticed that I feel anxious when…” to yourself and others.

9. Recognize the Patterns

Perhaps you feel overwhelmed before going to a party or eating out, which may indicate social anxiety. Or perhaps you have extreme anxiety before a job interview or an important business meeting, which may indicate performance anxiety.

Learn to recognize your patterns so that you are conscious of them.

10. Get to know (Determine) curiosity

Like mindfulness, cultivating curiosity in anxious feelings can help you recognize patterns, probe yourself, and detach from anxiety rather than trying to control it or let it overwhelm you.

11. Tell a trusted friend or relative what is happening

Before going to an event, choose a “wing person” with whom you can discuss your concerns if you have social anxiety. This person ought to be someone you trust and aware of your potential social anxiety. Your social anxiety will probably lessen in their presence, as you will not have to explain yourself in the heat of the moment.

12. State Expectations or the Definable

Even though you might feel like you need to hide your feelings, there are situations when simply expressing how you are feeling at the beginning of a meeting or conversation might help to bust the anxiety bubble.

It will humanize you if you begin by saying, “Public speaking isn’t one of my favorite things, so please excuse my voice if it shakes a little.” Most people have probably experienced being in your position at least once.

13. Accept Newness as Normal

Because anxiety thrives on uncertainty, it can be helpful to accept that anything new might make you feel worried. Remind yourself that trying anything new can be enjoyable; assess your feelings to see whether you’re anticipating or excited rather than anxious.

14. Know Your Patterns

If you face trouble accepting changes or get stressed right before an event, you might have noticed certain physical sensations or self-talk. This indicates anxiety.

You can disarm anxiety by identifying and organizing your anxious tendencies. Knowing your “tells” will help you better control your anxiety before it gets out of control.

15. Recognize that you are permitted to take a break.

When we have social anxiety, we can feel caged or constrained. However, we always have the option to pause or take a break by going to the bathroom or outside to get some fresh air.

It can be beneficial to take breaks from anxiety-inducing stimuli so that we have time to rest and recover.

16. Incorporate your body into your process.

Body scans and progressive muscle relaxation are exercises that might remind you to pay attention to how your body interacts with the events taking place. By using these body-centered methods, we may communicate safety to our brains from our bodies, causing over-activity to subside.

17. Get Enough Rest

Chronic sleep deprivation makes the body predisposed to anxiety or sadness. Find ways to get more sleep if you’ve been feeling particularly energized. Don’t undervalue sleep as a component of your wellness because your nervous system requires the respite it provides.

18. Do not Procrastinate

Making excuses makes anxiety even worse. Make a plan and follow it to avoid procrastinating. Sometimes, making a plan can reduce anxiety since you can be confident that you have taken all the necessary steps to handle the situation.

Okay, what if these tips fail to control anxiety? Are there other ways to calm anxiety attacks, or should one directly seek therapist attention? Have a look;

When to Seek Anxiety Calming Device? Does it Help?

Though it’s normal to feel anxious at times or to experience nervousness, some still need more effective sources to help them get back to their normal position while battling severe anxiety and panic attacks; that’s where the Device for anxiety comes in handy.

Breath 5 device is the most successful and effective anxiety-controlling device so far.

How does it work?

Breathe 5 device returns you to normal, happy & calm. It is the best non-pharmaceutical anxiety, panic attack & migraine headache relief in the US market.

You can also use Breathe 5 at bedtime to get a good night’s sleep. This handy device easily fits in the palm of your hand and is ready to use anywhere.

Isn’t a quick & convenient solution to help you in a critical situation?

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